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Faa Tum Kot Doskonały*PL

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 37076
Parents: SC Cekin Ewjatar*PL and Ana Tema from the cattery Kot Doskonały*PL
Chip No: 967000009129891.
Status: Neutered

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

Faa Tum Kot Doskonały*PL came from a cattery in Warsaw and was the foundation of the Szara Eminencja*PL Russian Blue cattery. Despite the ominous connotation of her name, which didn’t discourage me as I’m not superstitious, she arrived with us at 9 months old. Initially, she was a bit frightened—I even wondered if I did something wrong (despite trying to minimize her stress by providing the same food, litter, a large scratching post, etc.). It turned out that this cautiousness was just a part of her nature, compounded by the journey from Warsaw to Wrocław, causing her to be very skeptical. Initially, she called out for the other cats she lived with in her original cattery and reacted strongly to the sight of other cats through the window. Slowly, day by day, she acclimatized, becoming more trusting. She started coming when called by name, eagerly sought affection, though always on her terms, jumping off when picked up. Her acclimatization was slow but steady. Today, we know that Faa Tum’s cautious nature defines her. FaaTaa (as I call her) revealed herself as a proud and dignified cat who demands admiration. Imposing one’s will on her is not an option! She decides what, when, and where. She is very gentle, which was particularly important to me since our son was just a few months old when she joined us. She never frightened him or behaved inappropriately. If she dislikes Jakub’s behavior, she simply walks away or meows impatiently. Otherwise, she allows him to do anything. When he was little (about 6 months), she would fall asleep with him. If he cried, she would run to me and meow as if to say, “Do something!” When he was sick, she stayed by his side without leaving. Who could deny feline intelligence? Sometimes I joke that he’s her son.

Faa Tum responds to her name, comes when called, and even jumps on laps. She’s not a typical lap cat. Evening ear scratches and morning brushing are enough for her. The latter is somewhat forced, especially if I oversleep—she wakes me up with meowing, demanding to enter the bedroom, even attempting to open the door with her paw (which she often succeeds in). She bursts into the room with a noticeable pout and a plaintive voice, as if complaining about missing me, demanding affection, and then leaves. I must admit, I am impressed by her extreme independence, which she displays ostentatiously. Perhaps that’s why she is my favorite. She is also well-behaved, at least in my presence, not jumping on the kitchen table or countertops, nor stealing food from plates. She listens. Over time, I noticed she clearly missed feline companionship, which, combined with our breeding plans, led to the search for a second female cat.

Upon the arrival of a new kitten, Faa Tum naturally took the dominant role. The young Astra had to submit. However, she quickly grew, and now she even surpasses the older cat in size. Bringing another cat into the household turned out to be a perfect decision! Faa Tum now accepts Astra on “her” territory, engages in her playful advances, and happily reciprocates. She loves the chase games around the house, which often end in playful wrestling, followed by one cat grooming the other. Just everyday feline life 🙂

Faa Tum is a Russian Blue cat with quite dark, velvety fur. She has long legs, a proportional tail, and the most beautiful large emerald almond-shaped eyes in the world. She is full of grace and dignity, while being petite (weighing 2 kg, while the rest of the cattery cats weigh 3 kg or more). Exhibitions were never her thing, so I decided she wouldn’t be a show cat. She is the mother of Madame and kittens from litters B, E, H, K, M, and T.

She was my spirit cat. Since May 2020, she has been running over the Rainbow Bridge.

Amika Błękitna Ferajna*PL

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 28237
Parents: IC U-Uspekh Hareza*PL and Hermiona Ewjatar*PL
Chip No: 985121009004536
Status: Neutered

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

Amika Błękitna Ferajna*PL was the latest addition to our home, arriving from a friendly Russian Blue cattery in Częstochowa, which was unfortunately dissolved due to circumstances beyond the owner’s control. In the family tree, Amika is the biological mother of Astra and the grandmother of her kittens. Observing three generations of cats provides a breeder with a broader perspective and better predictability of the characteristics of future litters.

Amika joined the Szara Eminencja*PL cattery as an adult cat, over three years old. Therefore, her acclimatization was not immediate but required time, patience, and calmness (especially since Astra’s kittens were still young). However, she quickly showed her best side, already on the way to Wrocław. Initially (for about eight months), she lived with us, but her less than perfect relationship with Faa Tum prompted the search for a new home for her. Ultimately, Amika moved in with my parents, providing her with more peace and a larger territory of her own. She returns to the cattery for mating, pregnancy, and motherhood periods.

Amika can be reserved. She can also be skittish. She is not overly affectionate… until she is. Though she plays hard to get, as soon as she is touched, she transforms, as if by magic, into an incredibly affectionate cat. Often, she can be even more affectionate than her daughter, never wanting to leave your lap. And when she purrs so charmingly and coos, even during her heat… it’s a sound you could listen to endlessly… as if she were singing. Amika is a charming cat (after all, Astra gets it from her mother!), very gentle and well-mannered, though she does have a tendency to snoop into our plates… so you have to be on guard! She has character… welcoming her family with a cheerful meow, telling them all about what happened during their absence. If ignored, she remembers it for half a day.. so one has to be careful not to hurt her feelings inadvertently. In her interactions with Faa Tum, she was unyielding and stubborn, never backing down. She defended her territory and wasn’t keen on seeing Faa Tum there, though I dare say that while the Warsaw princess was smaller, she dominated. However, over Astra, she had the advantage of experience and used it. She was always first to the food bowl and often set the tone… it seems family ties matter between them. Among the cats, she is the largest, though her weight is similar to Astra’s (over 3 kg). In her first litter, she gave birth to Astra, among others. She is a very good mother.

Amika has a particularly light-colored face, which looks beautiful with the dark eye lining (like Cleopatra) and steel whiskers. She has large eyes with a light emerald hue. Her long legs, long tail, strong chin, and very good profile are notable features. She weighs around 3 kg. In the cattery, there are three of her daughters – Astra, Jafa, and Petra. She is the mother of litters C, F, J, L, and P. Since January 2017, she has been spayed and lives permanently with my mother.

Astra Glitterus*PL

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 48911
Parents: Cetar Minora*PL and Amika Błękitna Ferajna*PL
Chip No: 967000009464400
Status: Neutered

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

Astra Glitterus*PL came to us from Częstochowa as a 3-month-old kitten. She captivated me on the day I picked her up from the cattery. When I approached her to say hello, she was still nursing from her mother, as if saying goodbye. I melted, and it has stayed that way ever since. Astra has brought us immense joy, especially to our son. She has been an endless play companion from the start! That’s how she won our hearts.

As a little one, she had to submit to the older cat. It wasn’t difficult for her; she has an innate submissiveness. She probably saw her as an older sister. Faa Tum picked up on this and perhaps her maternal instinct was triggered? In any case, day by day, I observed how the little one learned new skills from the older cat. Astra grew and became more beautiful. Her eyes were getting more and more vibrant. She revealed herself as a land of gentleness. I can say she’s a cat you can pet endlessly without protest. She’s 100% a cuddle bug and purr machine. During petting, she makes a loud rumble of satisfaction; you can’t deny her more affection. At the same time, she handles stress well. Our son found in her a playmate—for Astra, everything is a toy. You can’t deny her intelligence—my husband taught her to fetch a plastic zip tie (known as a strap). The two of them can play like this for hours—I’m even a bit jealous! (Astra is my husband’s favorite).

She responds when called by name. In our home “herd,” she is the instigator of games and mischief, pestering the older cat who isn’t always in the mood for such antics. Sometimes I think she never really grew up 🙂 She hunts Faa Tum, bites her, chases her, attacks unexpectedly from around the corner… she’s impossible. All this happens in complete silence (unless they knock something over), as Astra is a cat who almost never meows. She only makes noise in three cases: when she’s in heat, when I’m bringing wet food—which she loves, and when I’m sitting at a distance from the desk, preventing her from jumping on my lap—then she scolds me. The sound she makes then is very soft. She often sleeps like a child, anywhere and in the strangest positions. She has grown into a beautiful cat.

Astra was an amazing mother and took excellent care of her kittens. She has a light fur color, dense hair, and undercoat. Her slightly naive expression is highlighted by her beautiful light emerald eyes. She also has long legs, a long tail, and a good profile. In 2018, she retired from breeding and moved in with our friend.

Jafa Szara Eminencja*PL

Jafa Szara Eminencja*PL
Pedigree No:(PL)FPL LO 89516
Parents: CH Wadol Minora*PL and Amika Błękitna Ferajna*PL
Chip No: 900085000218847
Status: Neutered

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

Jafa Szara Eminencja*PL was born in the second half of 2015. She is an extension of her mother’s line—Amika (meaning mother of Astra and grandmother of Diva) and sister to Astra and Petra. She is an excellent companion, gladly listening and cuddling with her humans. She can sleep for hours without moving, snuggled up to a person, as if the world doesn’t exist. Jafa is a cat with a delicate character, who demands your affection. She values peace and tranquility. She is a very dignified lady. She has dense, double silver fur (probably the lightest in the cattery), beautiful light green eyes, a long tail, and a strong chin. She is a wonderful mother with excellent instincts, happily caring for all kittens, even those that aren’t hers. She is the mother of Kida and Koda. She retired from breeding in 2019 and now lives in Gdańsk with Wojtek.

Petra Szara Eminencja*PL

Pedigree No: FPL LO 111609
Parents: IC Yason Jasno Solnyshko*RU and Amika Błękitna Ferajna*PL
Chip No: 932002000565552
Status: Neutered

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

Petra was born in our cattery in September 2016. She is the daughter of our Residents: Amika from her last litter (already a senior, now spayed, living with my mother) and Yason. She inherited her mother’s light fur color, long thin tail, and long legs. Her father’s very good eye color, as well as symmetrical ears standing erect, were also passed down to her. Her weak point is her profile. She is a rather shy creature, but when she gets to know you, she reveals herself as a real cuddler! She pushes her head under your hand, cuddles, headbutts your hand, and vocalizes reminders when it’s time for another dose of affection. She is an exceptional chatterbox, which speaks to her intelligence! She favors our son’s room in our home and usually retreats there when she needs peace. Recently, she has formed a lovely friendship with Diva (Amika’s granddaughter, for whom Petra is technically an aunt). Mother of Nida. Since 2019, she has been retired from breeding and lives with my mother and Amika.


Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO
Parents: CH Fyodor and Starutza REGALRUSSIANS
Chip No: 900075000020319
Status: Breeding Cat

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

Yasmina hails from the United Kingdom, just outside London, where she was born in June 2018. But I had been waiting for her much longer! Since October, she has been living with us 🙂 From the first moments, I knew we would love each other! I saw those cute, upright ears stepping out of the carrier, and with curiosity and a perky tail, she walked around the hotel room. She revealed herself from the very beginning as a very brave, curious, and cheeky little cat. Already in the hotel room, she sniffed around my bags and clothes, crawled under my hand and the duvet. She let herself be petted, purred loudly… She eagerly played and teased. All night she slept cuddled up to me, which totally melted my heart! I woke up from time to time because my arm fell asleep, but I didn’t move an inch. Despite the very long and arduous journey (from London’s Heathrow to Warsaw, and then by train to Wrocław, a total of about 17 hours!), she was very brave and well-behaved. We are still getting to know each other and learning about ourselves. However, even now, I see her undeniable breeding qualities: beautiful, upright ears, a gorgeous eye color, a fantastic chin, and a very good profile. I hope she grows into a beautiful Gray Eminence 🙂 and that my breeding plan will be greatly enhanced thanks to her. She comes from the GCCF federation.

IC Car Rosa Felina*CZ

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 62109
Parents: CH Bastian Jeryje*CZ and IC Elissa Signal*CZ
Chip No: 203096100137947
Status: Neutered

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

IC Car Rosa Felina*CZ is my first breeding male in the cattery. He joined Szara Eminencja*PL in October 2013. However, he won my heart earlier—at around 2 months old, during a visit to his original cattery, he climbed onto my lap without hesitation, played happily for a good hour, and then fell asleep in a captivating position… What else could I do? The decision was made, and soon the male cat moved in with us, charming both humans and furry residents (especially Faa Tum). Because he struggled during quarantine, I had to shorten it. Car is exceptionally social and loves people. It turned out to be the best decision possible! From the first moments, the cats accepted him. Faa Tum initially treated him like a son, while Astra and Amika immediately recognized him as a tomcat. Introducing Car into the household was the most trouble-free experience in Szara Eminencja*PL’s history. Car is charming and has a wonderful personality. Czarek, Czaruś—as we call him—fully embodies his playful style. He is very gentle, calm, and gentle… he meows when he wants something or when he’s expressing displeasure—he’s a talkative tomcat. He gently asks for affection, even from visitors who come to the cattery for the first time, automatically giving them complete trust. He loves to play. The object doesn’t matter as long as it moves: feathers, balls, caps, straps… as long as it moves, it must die! Sometimes, after the game is over and I’ve put away the toy, he will find it and finish the job—he’s persistent, determined, and consistent, never giving up first. Even a fellow cat’s twitching tail can be a toy for him. He enjoys playing with people, adult cats, and kittens. He’s quite the scamp—lying on the scratching post in the hallway, he swipes at those passing by.. (a trait inherited by Madame—his daughter); he’s startled quite a few people who thought he was just trying to pet them.

He loves petting, ear scratches, cuddling, and hanging draped over a shoulder while purring… he sometimes plays with hair and leaves paw prints on your face (of course, without extending his claws). He’s the first to get into bed and likes to hide under the duvet. He enjoys drinking water from the tap, and once he’s done drinking, he loves to play with it… he can also sit in front of the shower cabin and watch the water flow. Movement fascinates him in any form. Heights are no problem for him… even as a kitten, he could conquer obstacles as big as the adult cats, though I feel he doesn’t derive much pleasure from it. When necessary, or something catches his interest—he’ll jump. Like a true man, he’s energy-efficient, so if I want him on my lap, it’s the last thing he’ll do… he waits for me to pick him up! A rascal!

Car is a relatively small tomcat (weighing about 4 kg). He has dark, silky, double, very dense fur (one of the darkest in the cattery, similar to FT and Kali) and dark emerald almond-shaped eyes. He has long legs and tail, a strong head, a good profile, an elegant, fully developed slim and muscular figure, and large paws. Once, at a show, a judge commented “macho type” in his notes—accurate! Currently retired, he still lives with us.

Diva Szara Eminencja*PL

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 68416
Parents: Astra Glitterus*PL and Dirty Jesse Malevitch*DK
Chip No: 941000016473651
Status: Neutered

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

Diva Szara Eminencja*PL is my first breeding cat (the first Russian Blue cat with my cattery name). I was present at her birth, held her in my hands right after she was born, so I have a special fondness for her. I knew from the start that she would stay with us. She was the lightest kitten in the litter. She stood out at first glance. The other features, as time passed, only confirmed my conviction that this was a good choice. Character, delicate build, appearance, beautiful eyes in terms of both shape and color… She’s a charming cat. Beautiful. Delicate not only in appearance but also in behavior. The name fits her perfectly! Despite these traits, she can be clumsy. Not a day goes by without her knocking something over! She’s a bit of a clutz. Even at my mother’s, she has the nickname “Demola.” But this is also what makes her adorable! She loves hiding spots. The smaller, the better. She’s quite the little rascal and a smart cookie. She can make her way to the most remote corner of the highest cupboard, open the door, and sleep there. She detests insects. She is so repulsed by them that she doesn’t even eat them. She prefers to torment them with great pleasure. She loves being in the aviary, enjoying the fresh air and the opportunity to chase insects. She’s an excellent hunter. During playtime, she never lets a ball or mouse escape! I dreamed of an American-style cat, and Diva is the embodiment of that dream. She is a very good mother to her kittens. She is the daughter of Astra and the granddaughter of Amika. She inherited her mother’s naive expression and facial expression, and her grandmother’s dark eye lining. She has widely spaced large ears on a triangular head. Her dark green eyes accentuate her light fur. She inherited her grandmother Amika’s dignified silhouette. Long legs, a long tail, a good profile—these are her strengths. She is the mother of Rey. Currently retired from breeding, she lives in Warsaw.

Yason Jasno Solnyshko*RU

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL RX 72815
Parents: GIC Geiren Mazoji Arka*LT and Fortuna Jasno Solnyshko*RU
Chip No: 643094100316421
Status: Neutered

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

Yason Jasno Solnyshko*RU comes from Russia, specifically St. Petersburg—so he’s a “true” RUS. He joined us in 2016 as the second breeding male at the age of 2. He holds the title of International Champion. Acclimating an adult cat is a challenging task, but we managed it. Yason (also known as Janek, despite my son’s objections) is cautious around people, especially strangers. This cat chose me as his person, so it doesn’t bother me at all. One must earn his trust. The reward is worth it, though. Over time, he reveals himself as an affectionate cat with a very gentle yet firm character. He loves to play, is a hunter at heart, and enjoys teasing. He loves scratches behind the ears, along his back, and near his tail… anything but the belly 😛 as long as it’s in large quantities. He loves being in the aviary and teasing the cats he sees through the windows. He is a beautiful and robust cat with medium blue fur. He has lovely green eyes, an excellent profile, and great proportions. He is slightly larger than Car and more delicate in type. As a breeding cat, he produced numerous and healthy offspring.

Jena Szara Eminencja*PL

Pedigree: (PL)FPL LO 243473
Parents: Misha Szara Eminencja*PL and Kida Szara Eminencja*PL
Chip No: 616093901429818
Status: Neutered

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

Jena Szara Eminencja*PL is the daughter of Misha Szara Eminencja*PL and Kida Szara Eminencja*PL. She has Russian-British roots from her father’s side and Polish-Czech from her mother’s. Jena, like a true Witcher sorceress, is a great flirt and a true lady. She is exceptionally talkative, a trait she likely inherited from her grandfather Yason. Engaging in discussions with her is not advisable, as you are sure to lose. She is naturally trusting yet sassy. She is one of the first to greet our guests and jump on their laps (usually men’s laps). She loves people and being around them. She snuggles, putting her head in your hand, and can sometimes be a bit pushy. She enjoys playing alone and with humans. She is a loving mother to little Olga. The litter in which Olga was born was her only one, as per the breeding plan.

Misha Szara Eminencja*PL

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 166979
Parents: IC Yason Jasno Solnyshko*RU and Yasmina REGALRUSSIANS
Chip No: 616093900666662
Status: Neutered

Russian Blue cat from the cattery

Misha Szara Eminencja*PL is the son of Yasmina (our British princess) and IC Yason (the prince of St. Petersburg). He was born in our cattery in mid-2019, alongside three siblings in Yasmina’s first litter. From the beginning, he revealed himself as a gentle boy with an excellent character and a perfect phenotype, which led to the decision to keep him in the cattery. Misha is a friendly tomcat, slightly flirtatious. He charms with his gentle nature and the melodic sounds he makes. He quickly and easily makes contact with other cats and warmly welcomes guests to the cattery, feeling like the host of the house. He is a very affectionate cat, able to shower attention and care on anyone who takes a moment to interact with him. He loves cuddling and being around children. He talks a lot. There isn’t an ounce of aggression in him. He has a uniform graphite fur color and an ideal profile. His dense coat makes him appear larger, although he is actually a compact tomcat. He is stocky and solid, with a strong build (macho type). He has a mischievous look and a cheeky gaze. After completing his breeding career, he moved to Berlin with Mrs. Kasia and her family.

Heros Szara Eminencja*PL

Russian Blue breeding male cat

Pedigree: (PL)FPL LO 243466
Chip No: 616093901429890
Status: Breeding Cat

Heros is the offspring of Gostija (our Moscow native) and Koda—the grandson of Car. He is a large and well-built tomcat, like his father and grandfather. He inherited a phenomenal temperament and excellent coat from the paternal line, along with sweet expressions and charming cheeks (“puffs”). From his mother, he got a nice eye color and a uniform dark coat color. Heros looks like a sweet teddy bear, reflecting his personality—friendly, easy-going, and pleasant. He doesn’t get offended or pushy… unless it’s about affection—then he can be a bit assertive. He is very open, trusting, and sociable with people and other cats. He is friends with Fundusz. I don’t plan a long breeding career for him, and I will likely be looking for a forever home for him soon.

Kida Szara Eminencja*PL

Russian Blue breeding female cat

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 156738
Parents: Jafa Szara Eminencja*PL and IC Car Rosa Felina*CZ
Chip No: 616093200514017
Status: Breeding Cat

Kida is the daughter of Jafa (granddaughter of Amika) and Car, born in 2019. She is also Koda’s sister. She inherited her mother’s beautiful light fur, a very nice chin, a long thin tail, a good profile, a petite stature, and a delicate nature. From her father, she got a dense coat, a fuller face, and a flirtatious gaze. I knew from the start that she would stay with us and become my breeding hope. She is a calm cat, very friendly and open to human contact. She loves to talk, tease the hairless members of the family, and engage in conversations. She seeks out petting and loves sleeping in bed with the kids. She is a devoted and loving mother to her kittens and other kittens.