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Madame Szara Eminencja*PL

hodowlana kotka Rosyjska Niebieska, Madame Szara Eminencja*PL

Pedigree No: FPL LO 104010
Parents: IC Car Rosa Felina*CZ and FaaTum Kot Doskonały*PL
Chip No: 900250000450205
Status: Breeding Queen

Temperament and Character

Madame Szara Eminencja*PL is the daughter of my first breeding queen, Faa Tum, and Car. One of her greatest qualities is her character. She is truly a treasure! She is affectionate and caring towards younger kittens, both her own and others, and sociable with people. She is very curious. She loves jumping (she can jump from the floor level to the height of my chest), heights, and is a hunter! She doesn’t let any fly escape! She possesses a lot of grace and charm (probably from her father :P). She is also a great purring companion.

Breeding Qualities

Her phenotypic advantages include large, widely spaced ears, a beautiful eye color, and a long tail. She is a fertile cat and a very good and caring mother, traits inherited from FaaTum.

Nida Szara Eminencja*PL

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 169600
Parents: GIC Focus Ewjatar*PL and Petra Szara Eminencja*PL
Chip No: 616093900923451
Status: Breeding Queen

Temperament and Character

Nida is the daughter of Petra (granddaughter of Amika and Yason) and Focus, a titled male from a Warsaw cattery. She was born in 2019 as one of five kittens. She is an adorable cat with a distinct gaze, inherited from her mother and grandmother. She has a unique way of seeking attention, tilting her head disarmingly to be closer to humans. She loves physical contact and cuddling with us and guests. She is an excellent hunter, not missing any toy, mouse, or fly even when pregnant. She is very gentle and fits in perfectly with our large group of cats. She nurses other kittens with the same care as her own.

Breeding Qualities

Her physical attributes include a very good profile, a decent chin, and a long tail. She has a good (green, grassy) eye color. Nida is a large cat (3.5 kg), with a high-set body.

Rey S-P Szara Eminencja*PL

Rey S-P Szara Eminencja*PL
Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 184484
Parents: Diva Szare Eminencja*PL and Zorion Carski Kot*PL
Chip No: 616093200514004
Status: Breeding Queen (American Type)

Temperament and Character

Rey S-P Szara Eminencja*PL is the realization of my dream of an American-type Russian Blue cat. She was born in 2020. But from the beginning… Rey is the daughter of Diva, granddaughter of Astra, and great-granddaughter of Amika—thus, I have observed this line in my cattery for three generations. In her mother, Diva, I already noticed strong American traits, and although I prefer the old type of Russian Blue as the ideal, I decided to “follow a different path” with her. Hence, among the old type cats—a new type of Russian Blue. Rey has a delicate nature but eagerly engages in close interaction with a gentle interlocutor. She likes to sit on laps, sleep on them. She inherited a lack of caution from her mother (Diva) and grandmother (Astra). However, she is incredibly charming. She enjoys spending time with Car.

Breeding Qualities

Rey is a beautiful cat with light and short fur. She has a beautiful straight profile and almost perfectly (for an American type) set large ears. Additionally, she amazes with the contrast of her fur and azure, round eyes (which she carries), taking one’s breath away. She is petite.

Gostija Patacotta Trozayar

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 215323
Parents: Panna Cottaviorey Trozayar and Aragorn Favorite Trozayar
Chip No: 643093300071481
Status: Breeding Queen

Temperament and Character

After a long wait for spring 2021, Gostija arrived from near Moscow and joined us. She is a very sociable cat (she bravely, calmly entered our not-small group and immediately made friends here). Curious, brave, assertive by nature, and yet endearing with her delicacy and desire to be with people and other cats, making her a wonderful companion and friend (especially to Car).

Breeding Qualities

She is a cat of exceptional beauty and beautiful expression of the old type of Russian Blue. Her qualities include dark, large, green (with a yellow tinge) eyes, a proportional body build, excellent profile, and uniform dark fur color. She has perfectly set large ears, which she carries.

Fortuna Szara Eminencja*PL

hodowlana kotka Rosyjska Niebieska

Pedigree No: (PL)FPL LO 230160 
Parents: Russianregal Yasmina and Yason Jasno Solnyshko

Chip No: 616093901429849

Status: Breeding Queen

Temperament and Character

Fortuna is the daughter of British princess Yasmina and St. Petersburg prince Yason, sister of Funduszka. She was born in mid-2021. She has a phenomenal temperament (from her mother) – she gets along great with both cats and people. She is assertive, loves to play, explore, and adventure. She is brave and sociable.

Breeding Qualities

She has uniform and shiny double fur and very good green eye color – inherited from her mother. I am charmed by her well-set ears raised upwards. Unfortunately, as a kitten, she was scratched in one of them, causing a deformity of part of the ear, excluding her from a show career. Nevertheless, many find her charming 😉